Shotover F1 Gimbal

Shotover f1

  • Quickly and easily interchange multiple cameras and lenses
  • Compact size and weight allows affordable transport as freight or excess baggage
  • No ITAR restrictions or EAR licensing requirements
  • Compatible with most FAA and EASA approved aircraft mounts
  • Various top plate options are available to easily allow mounting on various platforms- land, sea and air
  • Easily integrated onto a wide variety of mounting platforms
  • 6-axis gyro stabilized with look down capability
  • Windowless operation option for brilliant imagery without reflections
  • Fiber optic video data transfer for clean 3GHz imagery
  • State of the art electronics and design techniques deliver unshakable stability and ultimate functionality
  • Customizable graphics overlay for real time operator feedback
  • Auto or Steerable horizon with the most advanced steering capabilities on the market
  • Inverted operation using auto-position detectors